How do I interpret the Popular Placements Matrix in Card Sorting?

In this help, we'll discuss how to use the Popular Placements Matrix in closed card sort analysis to:

  • Find what were the most popular cards to place in categories
  • Get a PDF Export of the Popular Placements Matrix

The Popular Placements Matrix is a table that summarizes what percentage of respondents sorted each card into each category. The percentage of respondents is displayed in the place where a card and a category intersect. If a cell is colored blue, it means that this particular category was the most popular one to sort the card into. The cards in the matrix are sorted in such a way that the cards with the same popular placement category are clustered together. Within the clusters, the cards are sorted by the percentage of respondents who placed them in that category.

The Popular Placements Matrix is an analysis tool for closed card sort. In open and hybrid card sort, the respondents can define their own categories, which calls for different more appropriate portrayals of the results - Standardization Grid and Similarity Matrix.

Closed card sort is good for finding out how the respondents would distribute a list of information (your cards) into the various categories that you provide them with. The Popular Placements matrix is the best place to learn this. The matrix displays the percentages of respondents who agreed that a card belongs to a category and highlights the category with the highest percentage, letting you know where would be the best place to place that content on your actual website.

What's more, the matrix also clusters the cards by the category which they were most popularly placed into. This provides quick insight into the contents of your categories that the respondents would statistically agree with most.

You can create a PDF report of all the information listed above, exactly like you can see it in the web interface. To create an export, click PDF Export in the upper right corner of the tab contents.

If you wish to create a report using more than one section of your study's results, go to the Export tab