An overview of all contents in Session Recording results

You analyze the results of your Session Recording study through different views, each providing a different lense for looking at your data. Here's a brief summary of all contents of the Results:


This tab provides you with general information about how your study is progressing.


This is where you explore all of the data collected in Session Recording. Use powerful filters to find interesting user sessions based on user characteristics, session characteristics, page view and event data.


Filter your users and sessions based on any path or action they could have possibly taken on your web.

Session player 

The session player is the central element of Session Recording. This is where you replay your visitor's sessions like a video.


Heatmaps are graphical representations of aggregated data, which visually show you where the users click, how they move the cursor and how far they scroll.

Activity Tracking 

Activity tracking analysis allows you to monitor how much users partake in a specific activity (such as click on particular elements or visit particular pages) over time.


This is where you can set up access to the results of your study to people outside of your team.