Interested in UserTesting?
Try UXtweak instead.

Don’t overspend on UX research tools. Get the same features and insights you need at a fraction of the cost with UXtweak, the all-in-one UX research tool.

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UXtweak vs. UserTesting feature comparison

UX research tools UXtweak UserTesting
Website usability testing
Prototype testing
Mobile apps usability testing
square Available on all plans
square Only on Advanced plan or higher
Card sorting
square Available on all plans
square Only on Advanced plan or higher
Tree testing
square Available on all plans
square Only on Advanced plan or higher
Preference testing
5 second testing
First click testing
Session recording with heatmaps
Detailed public documentation and guides
Recruitment capabilities UXtweak UserTesting
Participant panel
square 155+ million users
square 400+ thousand users
Bring your own participants
square Unlimited number for free, on any plan
square Cost credits, only on Premium or Ultimate plan
Recruitment for moderated research
square Available as a service
square Only on Advanced plan or higher
Recruitment widget
square Turn your website visitors into participants
square Only on Advanced plan or higher
Pricing UXtweak UserTesting
Free plan
square For small projects, no credit card needed
Monthly subscription option
square Available, cancel anytime
square Annual contracts only
Annual pricing
square Business plan starts at $1728 a year, Enterprise at $5k a year
square Upon request - starting around $15k a year


Average of overall rating scores on leading software review sites – G2, Capterra, Crozdesk.


4.97 out of 5



4.5 out of 5


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Our experts are here to show you how to get more out of your UX research budget with UXtweak.

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Start your research right now

Get hands-on experience with UXtweak straight away - just register for a free account now and start creating your studies in minutes.

You could easily evaluate the results of your first study by the time it would take you to book a sales call with UserTesting sales representative.

Enjoy flexibility with our plans

We offer multiple plan options to fit the research needs of any organization. Also, our Enterprise plans are fully customizable to your needs.

Not a fan of annual contract commitments? Or do you work on a project basis? Opt in to our monthly subscription and cancel your plan anytime, no strings attached. UserTesting offers annual contracts only.

Save money with affordable pricing

We offer as many research tools as you need for an affordable subscription. Our Business plan starts at $1728 with Enterprise around $5K.

In comparison, UserTesting doesn't have a public pricing page and will send you a private offer. From what we could find, you could expect the cost to start at around $15K a year.

All research tools available on all plans

With UXtweak, you are truly getting an all-in-one UX research platform. Make use of all of the features regardless of which plan you choose.

UXtweak offers First Click Testing and Session Recording tools which you can’t find in the UserTesting toolkit. UserTesting features depend on the plan, you won't know how much it’s going to cost you beforehand.

Book a Live Demo

Our experts are here to show you how UXtweak can simplify your UX research.

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