How do I use the Categories tab in Card Sorting?

In this help, we'll discuss how to use the Cards tab to:

  • Add and label categories for closed and hybrid card sort
  • Add descriptions to you categories
  • Import and export your categories in a CSV file
  • Adjust how the respondents interact with the categories in all types of card sort

Add and label categories for closed and hybrid card sort 

  • To write a category label, simply open a category and fill in the label
  • To insert more categories into the card sort, click Add category

Add descriptions to you categories 

  • To add descriptions to categories, you have to enable them first. To enable them, select Add tooltip descriptions in the options panel to the right
  • Add category descriptions in the same way as the labels

Import and export your categories in a CSV file 

Above the categories editor, there is an option to import and export cards stored in a .CSV file. Use this option to easily reuse your categories between Card Sorting studies, or if you want, to bring in categories created somewhere other than in UXtweak.

Use UTF-8 encoded CSV files to ensure that the import works correctly. The simplest way to save your imported file with UTF-8 encoding is to edit it through Google Sheets (click the link for more instructions). To get a UTF-8 encoded file when saving your file in Excel, go to File -> Save As and select CSV UTF-8 before you click Save.

The category export carries the information about the category labels, descriptions and card limits.

Adjust how the respondents interact with the categories 

  • By default, the respondents in open and hybrid card sort don't have to name all of the categories they create to complete the study. If you want them to find a name for all categories, select Require all categories named
  • Select Add category limits if you have any categories that should only contain a certain number of cards (e.g. 'Top 5'). Then, go inside that category and set the maximum in there by setting the Card limit .
  • Unless the order of categories is randomized, the respondents sort cards in the order they're listed in
  • To move a category up or down on the list, simply drag-and-drop it to the desired destination. Alternatively, use the Move up/down buttons under the ellipsis button
  • To show the categories to respondents in different order, select Randomize the order of categories