Record personal information with user consent

Learn more about GDPR. GDPR is a piece of legislation in the EU that demands you have the consent of users before you record any of their personal data. This doesn't mean all inputs from from users are sensitive, but getting consent is something that you need to pay attention to when setting up a Website Testing or Session Recording study that could also collect personal information. After the visitor gives their consent, you pass it through our API, which enables recording. Getting user consent isn't required in countries outside the EU, but we recommend it nevertheless. It's good when users have control over how their personal data is being collected and processed.

This is how you get consent from visitors to record forms and inputs.

	// set your consent text here
	var consentText = 'I agree that my personal data will...';

	// choose one of these
	var clientDecision = true; // if user gave consent to have forms recorded
	var clientDecision = false; // otherwise

	uxtr('consentForms', clientDecision, consentText);

This is how you get consent from visitors to record their IP address.

	// set your consent text here
	var consentText = 'I agree that my personal data will...';

	// choose one of these
	var clientDecision = true; // if user gave consent to have IP address recorded
	var clientDecision = false; // otherwise

	uxtr('consentIp', clientDecision, consentText);

This is how you get consent from visitors to be identified through the API.

	// set your consent text here
	var consentText = 'I agree that my personal data will...';

	// choose one of these
	var clientDecision = true; // if user gave consent to be identified via API
	var clientDecision = false; // otherwise

	uxtr('consentApi', clientDecision, consentText);

GDPR safe data 

Adding the attribute data-uxtr="safe" will notify UXtweak that its content isn't sensitive and can be recorded regardless of consent.

<p data-uxtr="safe">
	Roses are red, violets are blue, UXtweak's great and so are you.