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Discover the ins and outs of UX researchwith UXtweak by viewing our educational videos

What is Design Thinking?

Learn about the design thinking framework and what it entails. Understand the 5 stages of the design thinking process and explore tools that can help you stay on track. Watch the video now and ensure your product is developed with users’ needs at the forefront.

Watch video (6:10)

UXtweak Card Sorting tool

A user-friendly experience requires you to categorize your website’s content in alignment with user expectations. Using a card sorting tool you can effectively understand these expectations and adjust your content accordingly.

Watch video (1:58 min.)

Mobile Prototype Testing

With nearly two-thirds of web traffic originating from mobile phones, conducting thorough research is crucial when designing mobile interfaces. It is essential to account for the disparities between desktop and mobile experiences.

Watch video (18:10 min.)

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Improve UX with product experience insights from UXtweak