Managing teams, seats and roles in Team Management

To share a project in UXtweak with others (e.g. to let others view the study results or to create studies collaboratively) you have to be on the same team. In this help, we'll discuss how to use the Manage team screen to:

  • Customize your team
  • Manage team members
  • Create and manage more teams

Customize your team 

To access your active team, open the dropdown next to your avatar in the upper right corner and then click Manage team

The active team is the team that the studies visible on the dashboard belong to. You can switch between teams at any time. Any studies that you create will be created for your currently active team and visible to all its members.

When you register into UXtweak, you will automatically become a member of a team that has you as its owner.

  • The team name is how the team is seen by you and other team members.
  • You can further personalize the team by adding a team avatar.
  • Team name initials will be displayed instead, if no avatar is uploaded.
  • Click the + button and upload the avatar image from your system.
  • Only images in GIF, JPG and PNG formats are allowed.
  • The image has to be smaller than 200 KiB and with the maximum dimensions of 300 x 300px.

Manage team members 

To see who's in your team, to add more people and assign them different roles, open the Members tab

Here, you should see all the members of your team. For a new team, that means only you, as the team's owner.

Each team in UXtweak is tied to its owner. That means that what you can do within studies that belong to a particular team depends on the plan of the team's owner.


  • If you create an account, you automatically get the Starter plan. You can record 30 free sessions in your own team. You can create more than one team, but the quota of 30 sessions max is shared between all the teams you own.
  • Your coworker - who has the Professional Plan - added you into one of the teams that they own. Your coworker's Professional Plan allows them to record 30K sessions per month. If you create a study in your coworker's team, then all sessions recorded in that study will be depleted from your coworker's plan - the 30K sessions - since they are the owner of the team. It doesn't matter who created the study, only which team the study belongs to and who is the owner of that team.
  • The same applies to all features included in the plans. For example, if you have the Starter plan, you can only have one task in Website Testing studies in your own teams. However, if the coworker with the Professional Plan adds you to their team, you can create studies with unlimited number of tasks - but only in your coworker's team. In your own team, you are still limited to one task per study.

Adding more people into the team allows people to work on the same projects, sharing the owner's plan.

To add more team members, enter their email address and select the role they should be added in by selecting their Group. There are 4 types of team roles:

  • Owner - The person who created the team. Has full administrative control. The owner's plan determines which features and resources are available to the team (e.g. team can only run Website Testing and Session Recording studies on the owner's domains). Only the owner can assign people into seats in their plan so that they can be added to their teams. This role cannot be given or transferred to others and as such isn't available in the selection (contact us if this gives you any trouble).
  • Administrator - Can assign other people roles in the team (as long as those people are already occupying seats in the owner's plan).
  • Editor - can create and edit studies in the team but cannot modify the team itself
  • Watcher - can view the study setup and results but cannot edit anything

Note: Only the owner can add people into their plan's seats. Therefore, while an administrator can assign people roles in the owner's team, they cannot add a person into a role if that person hasn't yet been given a seat by the owner.

You can only add as many new people into your teams as the number of seats in your plan allows. However, you can add the same people into as many teams as you want. Once somebody has taken up one of your seats, you cannot remove them from the seat within the app. If you need to remove someone from your seats (e.g., because that person left your organization), contact us.

There is no limit to how many teams you can create, own or be a member of. To create a new team, click New team on the Manage team screen.

To switch between your teams (a.k.a. to make another team your active one), open the dropdown next to your user avatar in the upper right corner and choose Switch team. Then, find the team you want to switch to and click Switch.

To delete a team, while on the Manage team screen of that team, open the dropdown next to the New team button and click Delete.

You cannot delete the last team that you're the owner of.