Installing the UXtweak snippet

Some UXtweak tools require the installation of the UXtweak snippet into your website or into your prototype. This snippet provides features such as data recording, or displaying tool-specific information to respondents and visitors. The following tools require the UXtweak snippet:

  • Website Testing*
  • Session Recording
  • Recruiting Widget

*Website Testing can also be launched without snippet installation, by using the UXtweak Chrome extension instead. For more information see Launching a Website Testing study.

In this help, we'll discuss how to:

  • Install your UXtweak snippet manually
  • Setup with Google Tag Manager

Install your UXtweak snippet manually 

You can find your UXtweak snippet by clicking Snippet on the top panel. In studies that require the snippet, you can also click Install snippet in the General tab.

  • The snippet is a piece of Javascript tied to the team owner’s account. This means that all members of the same team share the same UXtweak snippet, as long as they’re working in teams that belong to the same owner.
  • Only one UXtweak snippet (from one team owner) can be inserted into a website at once.
  • Please make sure to place the snippet in the <head> of every page where you wish to use UXtweak (Session Recording, Website Testing, recruiting via the Recruiting Widget). You can specify where exactly each study is to be used within the study itself.

Setup with Google Tag Manager 

As an alternative to the above, you might already be familiar with using Google Tag Manager (GTM) for managing various scripts (tags) on your website. Our snippet is a tag like any other. You can use our GTM integration to add it into any of your existing containers easily. From where you found your snippet:

  • Open the GTM tab
  • Click Sign in to enter your Google Tag Manager credentials
  • Sign into your GTM account
  • Grant UXtweak all the necessary permissions so we can add the recording snippet for you
  • Select the container where you wish to add your UXtweak snippet
  • Click Publish

Please consult the Privacy Policy to learn how we use your Google Data.
Google Tag Manager and GTM are trademarks of Google LLC.