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Within-Subjects Design

What is Within-Subjects Design?

A within-subjects design is a research methodology where the same participants are exposed to all conditions related to a variable being studied. This design is often compared with between-subjects designs. For instance, in a quantitative usability study involving 40 participants, all 40 individuals would test both site A and site B. Randomizing the order in which participants experience the designs is crucial in this type of study.

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Why is Within-Subjects Design Important?

  • Efficient Resource Utilization: Within-subjects design maximizes efficiency by utilizing the same participants across all conditions, reducing the need for recruiting and managing multiple groups of participants.
  • Reduced Individual Differences: By exposing the same participants to all conditions, within-subjects design minimizes variability due to individual differences, allowing for more precise comparisons between conditions.
  • Enhanced Statistical Power: With participants serving as their control, within-subjects design increases statistical power by reducing error variance, enabling researchers to detect smaller effects and draw more robust conclusions

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