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Screen Recordings for Tree Testing and Card Sorting

Did you know you can enrich Tree Testing and Card Sorting results with qualitative insights? Follow this video to learn how to set up Screen Recordings for Tree Testing and Card Sorting sessions on UXtweak.

Key moments in this video

  • 00:30 Set Up a Card Sorting Study
  • 01:04 Set Up a Website Testing Study
  • 01:40 Invite Participants
  • 01:50 Study Demo
  • 02:26 Analyse Results

Video summary

In this video, we explore how you can enrich Tree Testing or Card Sorting with qualitative insights. Learn how to use UXtweak’s Website Testing to set up screen recordings of participants sorting cards or wandering around your navigation tree. We take a look at setting up studies with identifiers, choosing the correct tested website for the screen recording, inviting participants and analysing results from both studies. 

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